
My Dietitian 2 - cross-platform application written in Java 7, respectively, it is possible to run on any platform that supports Java 7 or later (Windows, Linux, MacOS). Unfortunately due to lack of access to the platform MacOS software was tested only on platforms Windows XP, 7 and Linux.

Depending on what is installed on your computer, Java 7 or newer provides 2 options to download and run the application.

Check the version of Java installed on your computer may as follows:

$ java -version    

java -version

In response, you should get: java version "1.7.x_xx" where the 2nd digit is a version of Java, it is necessary that version was not less than 7. If you get a different answer, or at least Java version 7, we recommend using the version of the program with built-in Java.

Installation of My Dietitian 2 on computers with installed Java 7

If on your computer, installed Java 7, then download the, unpack in any convenient directory and to run on Windows run MD2.jar, in Linux run MD2:

Installation of My Dietitian 2 all in one (contains Java)

If you are not sure that you have installed Java environment, download the version for your platform:

Unzip the program in any convenient directory and run the Windows MD2.exe, on Linux run MD2.

My Dietitian 2 update

To update from previous version of application to current follow the next steps: - download (regardless of the operating system and the availability of Java); - unzip it in a folder with the previous version of the program confirm the replacement of files; - run the program and confirm if it necessity the database update.